When reading the personal essay done by Steve Job's sister, Mona Simpson, and her interactions with her brother, one can't help but come to know who Steve Jobs really was. Her use of detail and experiences with her brother take you inside their lives. To me, Jobs seemed to be her hero. From the day she met him, he instantly became the person in her life for her to lean on and trust. That's what every big brother should be for his younger siblings. From his success and failures when working for Apple, to the way he treated his family with such love and care. You slowly sink into her story and lose yourself in her loving relationship with him. To Simpson, her brother wasn't just the man who created the World Wide Web, or a multi millionaire. He was a protective brother, who was infatuated with love, almost like a "hopeless romantic." Dedicated and never settling for less than perfect, Jobs wanted to work hard in every aspect life. Simpson shows us through real quotes and descriptions. When writing a personal essay, especially on someone other than yourself, one must have in depth information about that person, in order for it to be a good essay. Mona Simpson accomplished while also paying tribute to a great man, and her brother.
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