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Thursday, September 22, 2011

take some time away from your busy life

Being a college student, I know what it is like running around all hours of the day, doing various things like studying in the library, making sure to get a workout in, going to class, getting in some work hours, grabbing lunch before the dining hall closes, and even playing in some intramural sport games. Lucky for me, this is what schedule is like and though its hectic, it's not nearly as bad as what other people have to go through on a day to day basis. In many cases, people get so consumed with all their tasks, that it leads to lots of stress and no free time. Some of you may be thinking, well what else I'm supposed to do? It's college and I have to get myself ready for what lies ahead in life. Not to say that that isn't a true statement, because it is very true, but something else to think about is, "I'm I enjoying life and having fun?" You don't ever want to look back on your college experience and think, "wow...I missed out on so much because I was so consumed with other things."
For me, its quite simple. Too many times we live life in the fast lane, and thats not going to change. But in order to benefit ourselves and make ourselves happier, you have to separate yourself from your hectic schedule and take time for yourself.

Back in high school I had opportunities to go on a number of different retreats. These retreats were centered around a spiritual basis, but what I enjoyed most about those retreats was "getting away." No worries in the world. I could relax, have time to myself and also spend time with those around me. Even just taking a night off and spending time with those people in your life who really care can help make you a happier individual.

Obviously I'm a sports guy, and for me, escaping my busy schedule means watching the Notre Dame Football game with a few of my closest friends. Just me, my boys, and Notre Dame football. No studying for tests, no filling out job applications, no working and no going to the gym. Being a sports fan is my temporary vacation away from my high speed life. Even as I am writing this blog, I feel happy, and stress free. It's just little moments here and there. For some people, maybe its going to see a new a movie in theaters, or maybe going to the park to have a picnic with a friend or two. Maybe its just you, sitting at home getting lost in a book or even taking a nap with relaxing music in background.

The point is, make time for you. I always say, "I love me some me." So this weekend try to create some time yourself, and escape the world. If you have a busy week ahead you maybe only able to take an hour or so to do what you want, but at least you get away and reflect. I know what I'll be doing, and thats finding that perfect spot on the couch while I cheer for my Irish, as well as spending time with those I Love.

Now after giving a lecture on how to escape life, lets get back to talking about sports.
here are a few college football match-ups I think you should keep your eye on.
7OKST vs 8TexasA&M

other than that, I believe LSU will handle their business against West Virginia, and Oklahoma has nothing to worry about with Mizzou. Look for Notre Dame to reach 2-2 after the weekend and look for a high scoring game with Oregon vs Arizona, which the Ducks should win as well.



  1. Sports may be your life, although expression is your soul.

    Gosh I am so proud of you.....well of course i take some credit you know....well, a lot of credit, thank you. So don't burst my bubble here, I would like to believe that I played a powerful, and influential part in your beliefs, your insight, and articulation. I am so proud of you.....but most of all, you have taken and received all the good that you were offered and exposed to......and you are doing something with it......the power of thought, creativity, and expression in writing....it's a gift.....that can leave you vulerable and exposed.....but the confidence that is gained is immeasurable. Love you always. God be with you. Mother Dearest.

  2. Nice blog Stink... Coach DeSimone
